Commuter Life
Life as a commuter can be long and tedious, but it also can be a time of observation, intense listening and a chance to marvel at the diverse range of people who create our Sydney community. As fellow commuters we see people's anxiety and struggles, as well as listening to a loud narrative of their sometimes dramatic life via their mobile phone. Many people simply just look down at their digital devices, whilst coping with the crowded conditions of Sydney public transport. These images are from an ongoing Instagram project by Jennifer O'Brien, you can follow the project here
Commuter Life - Waiting
(image Jennifer O'Brien)
Look Up 1
(image by Jennifer O'Brien)
Travel Sleeper 1
(Image by Jennifer O'Brien)
Travel Sleeper 3
(image by Jennifer O'Brien)
Travel Dreaming
(Image by Jennifer O'Brien)
Look Up 2
(image by Jennifer O'Brien)
Travel Sleeper 2
(image by Jennifer O'Brien)
Travel Discomfort 1
(image by Jennifer O'Brien)
Travel Discomfort 2
(image by Jennifer O'Brien)